The third installment is here and boy you should be getting excited. I’ve been thinking for a few weeks about what to say on “Ma Fleur” and I cannot come up with a better description than that when I met up with Simon S from Futuristica Music and was chatting to him about this album:The first time you hear “To Build A Home” it makes you wonder if you’ve just turned on Cold Play but in reality this is just simply beautiful music with wonderful vocals from Patrick Watson. We have more of those stunning arrangements and the added extra of another pairing with Fontella Bass. It was sad to read in the press notes that Fontella is ill but if you need your spirits lifting, just play the amazing “Breathe” and “Familiar Ground”. There is a chance that a specially commissioned screenplay for a film might be made to accompany this release and I so hope Swincoe gets the chance to fully complete this project. Like both previous albums, just buy!
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