Home » Reviews » Raw Artistic Soul: You Got Rhythm Too [Gogo Music]

Raw Artistic Soul: You Got Rhythm Too [Gogo Music]

I always try to be open minded with all the music I receive but it’s only human nature to always try to guess what to expect. In my mind I had the Raw Artistic Soul album sorted in my head but I was so wrong. I was expecting an album of house and garage but the quality just blew my socks off and can easliy be compared with some of the best house producers around at the moment. Phil Kullmann aka Raw Artistic Soul doesn’t just go down the 4/4 route, there’s soul, jazz, afrobeat and disco in there to keep everyone happy. “The Light” with Ursula Rucker grabbed my attention on first play and it’s the best track I’ve heard Rucker feature for quite sometime. “Pa La Loma” and “Abanico” which add beautiful latin influences and will be of interest to fans of Nu Yorican soul fans. This is what house music is all about.

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