Home » Reviews » Me&You: Floating Heavy [Tru Thoughts Recordings]

Me&You: Floating Heavy [Tru Thoughts Recordings]

2007 is turning out to be the year of the cover song, with numerous raggae, jazz, funk and house versions doing the rounds on radio stations and dancefloors. One track I’ve not played for many years is Roni Size’s “Brown Paper Bag”: a classic, yes, but every time a certain Mr Peterson plays in Leeds, he plays this track without fail. I’ve never worked out why but maybe he’ll explain one day. You&Me aka co-owner of Tru Thoughts Rob Luis and TM Juke have produced a reggae verison that has bought life back into “Brown Paper Bag”. “Floating Heavy” is a cracking album that really mixes up the styles. From drum & bass, soul, broken beat, jazz, raggae, disco, dubstep through to break beats, this will keep me happy with anthems for the rest of 2007 and beyond.

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03:00 African FM

04:00 Pool FM
13:00 Dinamo FM
14:00 Ness Radio


19:00 Radio 42
19:00 RauteMusik.FM

22:00 Educa Web Radio


22:00 ASSK Radio


11:00 Ness Radio

15:00 Pattern Radio
