“Tunel Acustico” is the twenty third album by renowned Brazilian vocalist Marcos Valle. Valle’s latest release captures the highlights of his sixty year career. Valle has spent much of his time living between Los Angeles and Rio and the music is a reflection of the musical soundscapes of both regions. The opening track “Todo Dia Santo” is a simmering tune that features Alex Malheiros on bass and Renato Massa on drums from the legendary group Asymuth. “Life Is What It is” was originally wriiren in the late seventies by Valle and Laudir De Oliveira from the band Chicago. The breezy remastered tune features a sterling guitar solo from Paulinho Guitarra. “Feels So Good” is another composition that has been sitting on the shelf for decades. Originally recorded with the late Leon Ware, it has received AI sampling courtesy of Far Out recordings in-house producer Daniel Maunick. Ware’s falsetto is a perfect blend to Valle’s vocals. The rest of the recording is filled with an array of sublime compositions you’ve come to expect from Valle. A marvelous release from Valle who shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.